Facebook EdgeRank
This guide is designed to teach you how EdgeRank works.
EdgeRank Score
Your Edge score is built upon everything that you post on Facebook, everything that happens will have an impact on your EdgeRank. Status updates, comments, likes, shares and many other aspects will affect your EdgeRank score. The more you engage and communicate with your audience, the higher your score will become.
Affinity, Weight & Time Decay
There are three key areas that affect your EdgeRank. These include Affinity, Weight and Time Decay, each of these are assessed and used to create an overall EdgeRank score.
The affinity aspect measures how interactive a user is towards a page. The more frequent that engagement occurs, the higher the affinity score. Engagement measurements include; comments, likes, shares, messaging and click through rate.
All interactions within Facebook are measured differently with each interaction being allocated its own weighting, for instance a comment will carry more weight as it is more engaging than a like. It is unknown as to what score Facebook has allocated to each engagement however it is suggested that interactions which require the most effort will carry the most weight.
Time Decay
Facebook does not want old updates lingering at the top of the timeline, to combat this Facebook introduced the Time Decay element to its algorithm, this factor is designed to reduce the edge value of all updates over an allocated period of time.
The Importance of EdgeRank
Essentially, the lower a pages EdgeRank, the less likely others will see its updates. Building a powerful EdgeRank will take time and effort but there are many benefits such as enhanced exposure. Those that experience great success on Facebook are those accounts with a high EdgeRank. Content that is engaging, frequently updated and uses a variation of video, images and text related updates will always boost your EdgeRank score.
The Importance of EdgeRank
Your EdgeRank score is built upon your brands social authority, the more engaging your brand is the more authority your brand has within Facebook. Well-known brands are successful almost immediately; the likes of the BBC and SkySports are those types of brands.
Sharing high quality content that people either find useful or interesting will engage users to share, comment and like your updates. This activity will naturally enhance your EdgeRank score.
You can check and measure your EdgeRank score using tools such as the Edge Rank Checker.