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Layers Tool

Layers Tool


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Layers allow you to organise your image whilst you’re working on it.

Start with a blank canvas.

Layers Tool (Screen 1)

The white space is currently set as a background layer. If you have the layers window open this layer will be denoted with a small padlock symbol. If you double click this symbol you can turn this background into a normal layer, and change the ordering.

We’re going to add an orange background to our current logo design rather than using a transparent background.

Note: our logo is saved in PNG format and already has a transparent background. The Eraser Tool guide explains how to save a file with a transparent background. To follow this guide you’ll need a file with a transparent background.

The next step is to upload your logo design.

Select the file you wish to upload and click open.

Layers Tool (Screen 5)
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Your logo will open once it has been uploaded.

Layers Tool (Screen 4)

As you will see, there is a clear difference between an image with a white background and a transparent background. The grey and white checked background denotes transparency, and you will only see this while editing

Use the marquee tool to select the logo. Copy and then paste the image into the blank canvas you made earlier.

It should look something like this:

Layers Tool (Screen 5)

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Now you will need to add a new layer.

Simply select the layer tab at the top of the page and select ‘new layer’, or press the new layer icon in the layer menu on the side if you’re using it.

Layers Tool (Screen 6)

The layer will be on top of all existing elements, and we will leave it there for now.

Chose the paint bucket tool and pick a colour. A single click will flood the colour into the new layer.

Layers Tool (Screen 7)

At this stage you will only see the block colour that you have added, but that is easily amended.

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On the right hand side of the Pixlr editing suite you should find the layers window. If for any reason it isn’t there, click View at the top and chose Layers. Here you can change the order all layers are displayed. Layers at the top of the list sit over all layers below.

Layers Tool (Screen 8)

Click, hold and slide your new layer below your logo layer.

Once this alteration to your layers has been applied it should look something like this:

Layers Tool (Screen 9)

Your logo will now be on top of the orange background.

Layers Tool (Screen 10)
This is just one way in which you can use layers to full affect. As you can see, layers are easy to use once you know what they are and how they are used.

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