An email auto responder enables almost every business to run a large part of it’s marketing efforts on auto-pilot.
Auto response systems enable you to send out bulk emails that are personalised to the recipient on autopilot. You can select aspects that control when emails are sent, to what segment of your list or which lists those emails should go out to, such as current or prospective customers.
The valuable part is being able to see who has and has not read your emails and what those viewers did with the email; whether they did or did not click on the links contained within the email contents. This data can then even tell you what web page they went to through your email.
The opportunities available with auto responders are extensive, how you use that data is up to you, but the important thing is to be recording and collecting such information so that you know who is and who is not interested in what you offer.
Through simple data analysis you can easily identify those that have a keen interest in your business and what you have to offer. It’s this segment that you want to focus your energies in to as these are most likely to buy from you.
The auto response system that we recommend is called Mail Chimp. The service they provide is both a cost effective and a comprehensive solution. Mail Chimp can be the brains behind your email and auto-response marketing system. It tracks and reports all activities and produces up to date graphs that illustrate the progress of each campaign.