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Introduction to WooCommerce Extensions

WooCommerce is a leading e-commerce platform that is purpose built and designed to be used within the WordPress CMS framework.

If you want to learn more about WooCommerce and how it could turn your website into a fully functioning online store then please refer to our guide named: Introduction to WooCommerce.

What is an extension?

We have used the term extension as this is how WooCommerce refers to what is effectively a plugin, but we will explain why WooCommerce refers to their plugins as extensions.

Unlike most other plugins, the WooCommerce extensions are dedicated plugins designed for WooCommerce, but as WooCommerce is a plugin in itself they decided to use the term extension for transparency and to avoid confusion as their extensions / plugins do not work without WooCommerce installed.

How are extensions used?

An extension works just as any other plugin would. Simply upload the file to your WordPress website and you’re away. The only difference is that the settings for your extensions will either appear in the WordPress dashboard as a normal plugin, or in some cases the settings will appear within the WooCommerce framework.

How much do extensions cost?

Every WooCommerce extension is priced differently. As a guide we would suggest that each extension tends to cost from $29 to $199. WooCommerce even offer some extensions for free. Even though they charge for extensions, WooCommerce is free and each extension has been tailor-made to fulfill a specific requirement. Thankfully each extension can be sold repeatedly to its customer base; otherwise you would have to fork out a considerable sum to book a programmer to create a script that would achieve what the WooCommerce extensions are designed to do for you.

Where can I buy WooCommerce extensions?

You can buy WooCommerce extensions directly from the WooThemes market place. In the unlikely event that you encounter any problems with your plugin or extension you can use the WooCommerce help desk.